Ever wanted to find out where your taxi is in New York city, or what
the desert looks like from space? Anyone with a website, and a little
programming knowledge can create their own layer on top of Google
Maps. A genius move by Google, bring people in to use your maps,
without having to front any programming costs. The continuous
development depends on the public, just like this page.
In late June 2005, Google released its now famous API (application
programming interface). It has probably become one of the most
popular ones out there. Hundreds of websites are dedicated to creating
“mashups,” which mix Google Maps, through its API, with other kinds
of data to create websites that are sometimes informative, sometimes
entertaining, sometimes ridiculous, and always interesting.
One mashup, called Housing Maps (www.housingmaps.com), takes rental
listings from the popular classifieds site Craigslist and adds it to
Google Maps, taking a boring but useful text-based website and letting
you browse it through Google’s easier-to-navigate map technology.
Rather browsing and clicking Craigslist’s list of links, you just zoom in
on a neighborhood, see where the houses are, and pick one. You can
limit results by price, number of rooms, whether they accept dogs or
cats, and even see pictures of the place via a simple pop-up.
The site’s creator, software engineer Paul Rademacher, launched the
site before Google formally announced its API, but the search giant
was so impressed with his work that it soon hired him away from
There are more mashups, such as Mapulator (www.mapulator.com). This
tool allows you to traceroute by IP address or host name to see the
path the packets take. You can run the trace from their server or from
your PC. It’s pretty slick, and has some settings you can tweak for
doing the traceroute. It can also do “whois” queries when you click on
one of the hops (to find out that hop’s IP). And if you just want to
know where any particular computer/server/IP is you can also type in
the IP or host name in their ping tool and find out if the host is up,
where it is, and get the “whois” record.
And then, if you’re the paranoid type, there’s Adrian Holovaty’s
brilliant Chicago crime map mashup at ChicagoCrime.org. It’s a “freely
browsable database of crimes reported in Chicago,” as the site claims.
You can select the type of crime you want to locate (like “armed
violence” or “assault”), as well as the date range it happened, and when
you click “update map,” a few dozen colored pins will appear. Clicking
on any pin reveals the details of the crime which was reported
happening in just that location.
And then, there was a Google Maps game of Risk. A clever idea, but
unfortunately game maker Hasbro didn’t think it was so great and sent
its creator a cease and desist. But the games don’t end there. Another
creative programmer by the name of Thomas Scott has created a
multi-player cooperative game called Tripods (thomasscott.net/tripods/) in
which users join together to protect Manhattan from the invading
You can use the New York On Tap bar and subway map
(newyorkontap.com/Subways.asp) to find great hotspots in the City That
Never Sleeps, and then, since you’ll be in no condition to drive, the
map also shows you the nearest subway station.
If you’re looking for a date, you can consult Hot or Not’s database
(hotmaps.frozenbear.com) and see the pictures of people who are hot (or
not) in your area… all put onto Google Maps.
Are you a runner? Or do you want to know how long your hike was
the other day? You can use the Gmaps Pedometer (gmap-pedometer.com)
to digitally retrace your steps, and there’s even the option to send a
permalink of your route to somebody else.
And saving you from a potentially embarrassing situation, there’s
Urinal.net (urinal.net/google_map.html), which will help you find a place to
do your business anywhere in the United States.
Goocam World Map (butterfat.net/goocam/) is a Google map of
unprotected/open camera streams obtained from Google searches,
mostly from Europe and US.
A more whimsical application is Santa Stars (www.santastars.com) which
plots Christmas Light displays worldwide and allows Internet surfers to
vote/comment on them.
Authors: Grimmthething, Nathan Weinberg, Omid Aladini, Mark Berry, Ryan
Singel, AC Zimi, Kyle K., Ionut Alex. Chitu, Aaron Wall and Esben Fjord.