A Network of Everything
How well does this approach of visualizing a network fare with
something other than actors? We can also use it to find connections
between any two things. For example, we can create a network of
connections between things and their categories. To create the
following image, I used the words Britney Spears, apple, horse, speakers,
piano, violin, carrot, and orange. As categories I used food, actor, movie, book,
song, album, company, band, tool and a few more. I applied a threshold of
50 Google results to count something as connection, and I used glue
phrases like “is a”, “are an” and so on:
You can see Britney Spears is a celebrity singer. “Apple” is an ambiguous term,
meaning both the company, and the fruit.
End Notes
1. The visuals are created using Sun’s GraphLayout tool.