The Google GoBot
The Google GoBot is a little walking piece of hardware with an
unprecedented level of intelligence. Fifty-thousand beta versions have
been produced in the year 2032, set loose on earth to crawl our cities. A
GoBot has just one mission in its electronic mind: uncover fresh
information wherever it may hide, whenever it may show. Details will be
reported back to the Google headquarters in real-time.
What went right: Google GoBots were designed to uncover secrets,
and they were bound to legal laws, too. Spying on dark alleys with their
night vision lenses they helped report several crimes. One rather
important Las Vegas led drug syndicate had to give up its nationwide
activities “due to those pestering Googlebots alerting the police.”
What went wrong: Google GoBots had their own idea of human
privacy. They started lurking in people’s backyards and gardens, peeking
through windows into bathrooms, questioning neighbors, and even
handing out Google Candy to kids to make them reveal important
information on their parents.